Wednesday, August 17, 2016

     One of Cocoa Bean's special treats is to sip on a little bit of orange juice.  To keep him from getting too full of sugar, I make sure that he only gets orange juice about once a week, and I try to space out his other sugary treats in much the same way.  On a very lucky week, he might get part of a mini marshmallow on, say, Monday, and a little bit of orange juice on Thursday.  I try to give him peas, orange slices, carrot sticks, and/or apple slices every day, in addition to a bowl of his favorite pellet, and at most a tablespoon of his "treat mix."  This treat mix is a combination of dried fruit and vegetable pieces, nuts, power treats, and a sprinkling of seeds to encourage him to eat.
     I have noticed that Cocoa only eats when he knows someone is at home with him, which means he must see or hear you.  Otherwise, the silly birdy won't touch his food.  I've been working on ways to get him to eat everything he needs during the day so that he can keep a healthy weight.  It is important to keep an eye on your bird's appetite and eating habits.  One of the telltale signs of a sick bird is a drastic change in their appetite, the appearance of their waste, or in their weight.  
     Here is Cocoa Bean showing off his love for orange juice.  It just so happens that shot glasses are the perfect height for him to drink out of - this is no indication or joke about giving a bird alcohol!  A bird should never be given the "giggle juice!"